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Entry Qualifications of Professional Assessment  

Candidates must have completed a 5-year or equivalent fulltime professional course in architecture accredited or recognised by the HKIA,  and accumulated a minimum of 24 months of recognised practical experience. No employment shorter than 5 consecutive months in one office is accepted as recognised experience. 

The Office Supervisor to the Canidate

Each candidate must nominate an Office Supervisor for the approval of the HKIA at least one year prior to the registration for the Professional Assessment.  


The Office Supervisor must be a full Member of the HKIA who is responsible for directly supervising and guiding the candidate’s training so that the range, quality and depth of the activities undertaken during the candidate’s practical training would be targeted at satisfying the objectives of the Professional Assessment .


The Office Supervisor is required to certify in the Logbook all the practical training received by the candidate during the period supervised by him/her.  



The Advisor to the Candidate  

Each candidate must nominate an Adviser to the Candidate for the approval of the HKIA at least one year in advance of registration for the professional assessment.  


The Adviser must be a Registered Architect and an Authorized Person – Architects, and a member or Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects with a minimum 8 years post-HIKA qualification experience. The Adviser and the candidate should not be working in the same office  

Candidates are required to consult their Adviser Consultation Form 


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Candidates must each submit the original of the HKIA Logbook at the time of registration for the Professional Assessment, demonstrating that they have complied with the required practical training. The Logbook must be counter-signed by the Office Supervisor. Registrations will not be accepted without accompanying completed Logbook.  


To view the format of the Logbook


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